English as an Additional Language/Dialect
(Previously known as ‘ESL’)
A wide range of support is available to students requiring additional assistance with English. Students in Years 7 & 8 are informally assessed on their language skills and their progress is monitored and encouraged where required, to help with a smooth transition into high school. In Years 9 & 10 students are able to join a special elective course for learning English. In Years 11 & 12 an EAL/D English class is available for eligible students.
Support staff (SLSOs) are employed to work directly with students new to the country in their first language. They visit lessons across the curriculum and translate material when needed. The support staff can assist with translations for Parent/Teacher Interviews. New EAL/D students will also receive a separate EAL/D report.
In addition, students have opportunities to work individually or in small tutorial groups with the EAL/D teachers on areas of particular concern. Students who struggle with English are welcome and encouraged to come to the EAL/D staff for help at any time.